A Second Chance

I wrote this for a school assignment a couple of months or so back. Please tell me what you think. 

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2.)
     Rebecca sat huddled in the corner of her dark, dreary, old and abandoned motel room. She lifted her head from her chapped knees and watched as the rain fell and tapped heavily against the grimy window.
     The storm was her only distraction from the hunger pains that plagued her stomach. She wanted nothing more

than to escape to the comfort of her warm bed but she knew she could not.
     “How can they forgive me; I’m nothing but a failure,” she thought.     
     The wall that held back her tears came crumbling down. Her eyes became flooded with tears causing her vision to blur. When they could no longer stay confined in her eye, they rolled down her cheek.
     Rebecca brought her hand up to her face and gently brushed away the tears. After doing so, her eyes drifted downward to her protruding stomach. It was a constant reminder of how much she had failed. But what could she do; there was no turning back. Her baby would be here in just two short months and she had no idea how she would care for him or her. Or even if the baby would survive for that matter. She had no one and the one she thought would be there to hold her hand turned his back when the two words, I’m pregnant escaped from her mouth. Her parents never knew for fear of her being called a disgrace.     
     She rubbed her arms in an attempt to get warm but it was not enough to keep her from shivering. She reached for the old and tattered blanket lying next to her. It wasn’t much but she wrapped it around her tired and shivering body. Her eyes started to give way so she lied down on the hard, cold, and dusty carpet, coughing with each breath.
     A knot formed in her stomach as she lied there. Before it was only worry, but now that sickening feeling turned to fear. She grasped the cross dangling from her neck, striving for peace and comfort.
     “ God help me, please. I need you,” she whispered.
       Almost instantly there was a peace that came over her. Her mind no longer raced with questions and her tears subsided. The lids over her eyes began to close when she felt a hand gently touch her shoulder. She looked around, but saw no one. However, there was faint whisper that she heard.   
     “ It’s going to be okay, rest now. Tomorrow will be a new day.”
     A warmth took the place of her shivering and sleep overcame her.
     By the morning, the words, tomorrow will be a new day seemed to have more meaning than the night before. The sun’s rays beamed through the window, bringing light into the whole room. She stood and stared out the window, with eyes closed, her arms outstretched; she allowed the sun to bathe her face in warmth.
     She knew that today was the day she would say goodbye to this way of life and return home. She left the motel with a new level of confidence and courage that she had long sensed possessed. On the other hand, Rebecca was somewhat apprehensive as she walked down the cracked and uneven sidewalk. Her mind rambled with one thought and that was how were they going to react.
     Rebecca took in a deep breath in hopes of calming herself. She knew she had to continue trusting God otherwise she would not make it. Soon she found herself being pulled in another direction but the reason was unbeknownst to her.
     She began to hear the sound of children’s laughter, the scampering of tiny feet, and the creaking of a slightly rusted swing being tossed back and forth. Her eyes glanced over at a nearby tree and stapled to it was a piece simple white paper. On it, there was a photograph and above it big and bold was the word missing.
     Joy overwhelmed her. She dropped to her knees, buried her face into her hands and sobbed. She sensed someone kneeling down next to her and felt a hand upon her shoulder. The woman next to her was around her mother’s age. She was tall and skinny, her black hair with a few grays peeking out. In fact she seemed quite familiar to Rebecca even though she could not place her.
     “Honey are you alright,” she asked?        
     “Yes I’m fine…” Rebecca Stammered.
     “You’re her, you are Rebecca,” she said.
     “Yes, but wait, do I know you,” Rebecca asked?
     “Not exactly; I’m friend’s with your mother. We met a few months back. She’s told me a lot about you. In fact, I helped you mother put up these flyers,” she said.
     “How is she,” Rebecca asked?
     “How far along are you,” she asked?
     “Around seven months, I guess,” Rebecca said hesitantly.
     “Is this why you ran away,” she asked?
     “Yes, I did not know how my parents were going to react. I thought they were going to kick me out so I decided to do them a favor and leave before they got the chance,” said Rebecca.
     “Honey you know they will love no you matter what. In fact you need them now more than ever. Come on let me take home,” she said.
     She helped Rebecca to her feet and they got into the car and within ten minutes they arrived. Rebecca just sat there nervous but yet relieved.
     “Come on honey, everything is going to be all right,” she said.
        She took Rebecca’s hand once again and with a smile on her face guided her to the front door. Before they could even knock her mother throws open the door and embraces Rebecca welcoming her home.


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